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1February 25, 2019 - 7:57 pm
Jim Jordan from USA
jimjordan38@gmail.com - Visit my homepage

Hi Emil, I was one of your students back when you were teaching at Narberth Public (a year ahead of Ted Goldsborough). Fond memories. Ted forwarded the picture of you and Eleanore approaching your Memorial Brick. I too am an artist. Please check out my website to see some of my works. Art has kept me young and (mostly) vital. All the best to you and yours. Jim

Delete entry # 99
2March 9, 2018 - 5:17 pm
Patrick Cheatham from USA
Pscheat49@gmail.com - Visit my homepage

Very nice work

Delete entry # 98
3November 7, 2015 - 12:09 am
Laura Martinez from USA
makemygraphic@gmail.com - Visit my homepage

Hey there Emile :3 we miss you here in San Diego! Emile and I was planning a trip to visit you both sometime! Hopefully it be soon XD keep up the awesome art! LOVE IT!

Delete entry # 97
4October 11, 2014 - 1:47 am
Harvey Getz from Japan
hgetz1@yahoo.comoo - Visit my homepage

Outstanding examples of art in its finest form.

Delete entry # 96
5January 19, 2012 - 12:53 am
Daniel Mazza from USA
grazmaz@cal.net - Visit my homepage

Emil, What a gallery. It ranks up there with Rothko and Pollack. It has been a honor knowing how you have touched my heart with your art. I cherish every christmas card year to year. Maz

Delete entry # 95
6January 18, 2012 - 5:41 pm
Didi Politi from USA
mythings99@msn.com - Visit my homepage

One more contact with the past! Eddie and I went to OHS in 1966 and 1967 - Ed graduated from there and Didi was a junior. Looks like many of the OHS\'ers have found you. Hope all is well with you.

Delete entry # 94
7August 10, 2011 - 7:21 pm
Dave Alperovitz from USA
roygrp@comcast.net - Visit my homepage

Mr. Mika - There\'s a new page on Face Book, ORLEANS AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL FORMER STUDENTS. Aksed if anyone had information on any of the Mika\'s & here I am. You more than likely remember my brother DJ more then me.
You are fondly remembered by myself and many former OHS students. I was in the same class of 68, same as Michelle. Was wondering if you would pass my contact infomation on to her. Thanks

Delete entry # 93
8February 12, 2011 - 8:14 pm
Larry Domingue from USA
jlarryd47@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage

Dear Mikas,
Hello from many years ago in the Netherlands! I was privileged to teach music at AFCENT International School for 3 years in the early 70\'s and remained with DODDS for 36 years (Turkey, England, Misawa and Okinawa, Japan) before I retired and returned to my hometown area in southeast Texas. I have kept in touch with David over the years and was happy to talk with him on the phone during this past year when he and Laurie were \"touring\".
I have fond memories of visiting you and Eleanore in your beautiful home in Brunssum. Cheers to you, Michelle, and \"Kiki\"(Erik). I hope you\'re all doing well!
Best wishes!
Larry Domingue

Delete entry # 92
9December 31, 2010 - 9:23 pm
jack, ann, grace, marjorie mika from USA
- Visit my homepage

we loved looking through your artwork. our favorite was the purple flower and the picture that was on the new years card you sent to our Nana (Anne Mika).

Delete entry # 91
10July 22, 2010 - 3:39 am
eric strickland from USA
eternaltrinity7@aol.com - Visit my homepage

I have looked at your work. It is the best I have seen. I am doing a research project at Northwest Vista to look up local artist. My wife works at the Northside Learning Center and said she knew and seen your work. I have eyewitnessed your creativity on this website and admire every single piece. You are a great artist. Peace be with you.

Eric S.

Delete entry # 90
11July 7, 2009 - 10:39 pm
john castillo from USA
jcastillo226@satx.rr.com - Visit my homepage

Hey Mr. Mika,
sorry about not keeping in contact lately or before. been working on a new career in the IT industry. Old dogs do loearnb new tricks. thats how they become old dogs. will try to call soon.

Delete entry # 89
12July 13, 2005 - 12:56 AM
Bob Welch from United States
info@bobwelch.net - Visit my homepage

Emile: It was an honor meeting you at Fort Sam Houston after I spoke about my book "American Nightingale." You, sir, are an inspriation. For your heroism at Omaha Beach. For your beautiful artwork. And for your obvious passion for people. I'm richer having met you.

Delete entry # 61
13May 23, 2005 - 01:27 AM
Banu (Wines) Miller from United States
banu.miller@titan.com - Visit my homepage

I am an alumni of Incirlik HS...and saw the link to your site. I just wanted to tell you I love your work.

Delete entry # 60
14May 04, 2005 - 03:23 PM
Roman from Slovakia
romanino@pobox.sk - Visit my homepage

Ahojte ujo Emil. Srdecne vas pozdravujem.Vasa stranka nema chybu.
Vase obrazy su fantasticke, strasne sa mi pacia.
Drzte sa, prajem vam vela zdravia a aj celej vasej rodine.S laskou na vas
spominam. Roman from SLOVAKIA

Delete entry # 59
15August 07, 2004 - 12:29 PM
Charles (Chuck) Wise from United States
charlesewise@yahoo.com - Visit my homepage

Hello Mr. Mika,
I am happy to have found you. I was in the OHS class of '64 and I was the President of the VLC at OHS. I had a crush on your daughter. I thought you were the greatest Principal ever. I went to Vietnam, Green Beret, in '66 & '67. In '69 I went into civil service as a Border Patrol agent and got shot up on the Mexican border, recovered and went into U.S. Customs as a Special Agent. I Retired at age 50 with 30 years. I Live in Panama City, Fl. with my wife Linda. We had one son (Chris)who lives in Nashville and has a degree in recording arts. I missed our last OHS reunion because I went to Iraq to teach the Iraqi Border Patrol. I am happy to be back home with my family and friends. I hope to visit you some day or see you at a reunion. I send all my best wishes to you and your family. Thank you for the memories. I will always be a OHS TROJAN!!!! charlesewise@yahoo.com

Delete entry # 58
16July 18, 2004 - 06:18 PM
Sherry Queen from United States
squeen@cableone.net - Visit my homepage

Mr. Mika

I can't believe how much the Internet has done for all of us the past few years. I saw Eric a few years ago in New Orleans and we had the best time. How is he? How are you? I sure wish you and your wife were coming to the reunion in Atlanta next week. You have always been a special part of my memories in Turkey. God Bless I hope to hear from you.

Sherry Queen

Delete entry # 57
17July 10, 2004 - 07:10 PM
Jack King from United States
tapitchildcheck@yahoo.com - Visit my homepage

Hello Mr. Mika. We all remember the good old days at OHS. I had pictured you continuing the teaching route and was totally amazed to see you as a happy artist as compared the serious guy at OHS. Life if full of twists and turns. Check out my non profit, tapitchildcheck.com.
Coming soon, Joanonthepony.com.
I was at OHS from 63 to 67.
Jack "68"

Delete entry # 56
18July 05, 2004 - 11:16 PM
sharon from United States
sca17@pacbell.net - Visit my homepage

I'm IN and I'm impressed!!!! hugs and love ya. SLC GGG MMM

Delete entry # 55
19May 25, 2004 - 08:13 PM
Mark Jones from United States
Mark.S.Jones@US.Army.mil - Visit my homepage

Mr Mika;
Thank you for setting the leadership example at OHS 40 years ago.
Best wishes,
Mark. OHS '67

Delete entry # 54
20May 23, 2004 - 02:14 PM
Dale Tudder Scott from United States
dats49@cox.net - Visit my homepage

My nameis Dale Tudder Scott, Classs of 1968. My brother and I, John M. Tudder, II, spent our Middle Schol years at OHS from 1963 to 1966. They were the most special years of my youth and I made so many friends that have changed my life and enriched me. Many of whom still keep in touch. I have been married to Lloyd S. Scott, Jr. for 33 years and we have a son, Nicholas, 22 years old. I have been in banking for 31 years, presently a Manager for Langley Federal Credit Union, at the Coast Guard Base, Yorktown, Va. I would love to hear from anyone that was at OHS during our same years.Thank you.

Delete entry # 53
21May 19, 2004 - 10:36 AM
Angel Jimenez from United States
angel.jimenez@dcma.mil - Visit my homepage

I don't know if you remember me, but I was at OAHS from 1959 to 1962.
Good luck and God bless. Go Trojans.

Delete entry # 52
22May 19, 2004 - 10:16 AM
John M. Tudder II from United States
john.m.tudder@navy.mil - Visit my homepage

OHS Class of 1969
My sister Dale and I spent our Middle School/Early High School years in Orleans. She is married and lives in Newport News, VA. I am married and Live in Charleston, SC. I do IT engineering for the Navy. My wife and I are both musicians with a small home studio. I studied jazz guitar in New York and played there for a few years in the Seventies. Like many of your other students, my time at OHS inspired me and left an indelible mark on my life. Thank You!

Delete entry # 51
23May 18, 2004 - 05:16 AM
ashbaugh from France
ashbaugh@wanadoo.fr - Visit my homepage

Was happy to hear about you via Chris Brusca/San Antonio class reunion & see your photo & see you're looking good!
Now that you're in art & no longer "the principal", it sure changes things -
but you're still as snazzy as back then!
All the best to you & your family,
Christine Ashbaugh
(Bet you don't remember me - I must've been the most unobtrusive low profile student in that whole school!!!)

Delete entry # 50
24May 17, 2004 - 05:25 PM
brad brown from United States
guitnut@aol.com - Visit my homepage

Nice to see your website. you encouraged me at incirlik to be an artist(1975). I still am. I followed a course of art and art history in college and became an archaeologist. I draw maps everyday. I remember being in trouble for some reason. my parents had to come to the office to speak with you about me shooting spit balls or some such thing. At that time I was surprised to see one of my paintings hanging in your office. My parents were so proud about the painting the spitball incident was forgotton. I like your work alot.

brad brown

Delete entry # 49
25May 17, 2004 - 11:59 AM
Sue McHenry from United States
smchenry@fs.fed.us - Visit my homepage

Mr. Mika: I was so sorry that you could not make the OHS reunion in San Antonio. I hope that Mrs. Mika is recovered and all is back to normal. You will definitely have to come to our next gathering.
I enjoyed browsing your art gallery, what a joy to have that talent and be able to express it so beautifully.
Sue McHenry, Class of '67

Delete entry # 48
26May 16, 2004 - 10:08 PM
emile mika from United States
emika@satx.rr.com - Visit my homepage

Susan Swannack....do hope you get to see this message ..emails addressed to you are returned .."addressee unknown "..... thank you for the unbelievable surprise ....so many years ...beautiful !!...take care ..emile

Delete entry # 47
27May 13, 2004 - 04:37 PM
Cynthia Crumlish from United States
cynbc@earthlink.net - Visit my homepage

Hello, Mr. Mika..A LOOONG time has passed since DeGaulle kicked us out of France..I still have the get-well note you wrote me when I was in the hospital at La Chapelle. It is all Ms. Demel's fault for having cast me in a play and I became an actress and live in NYC. Saw the Chulas here as they have a set reunion of OHS teachers one weekend a year. They look and sound the same...I cannot quite bring myself to call them Norm and Doris! Admiring the luscious artwork. What a talent! Cynthia Crumlish OHS 67

Delete entry # 46
28May 13, 2004 - 03:31 PM
Susie Swannack '66 from United States
swannacksue@msn.com - Visit my homepage

'Enjoyed your art work and your website. My prayers are with you and your wife while she recovers from her surgery.

Delete entry # 45
29May 13, 2004 - 01:16 PM
Rickey J. Gay, LTC, US Army (ret) from United States
gayr@leavenworth.army.mil - Visit my homepage

Dear Mr. Mika-had lost contact since we left Italy although I knew you were somewhere in San Antonio. Thanks to OHS web site I found you again. Can't think of a better description of the person all the Orleans alumni feel than Eric's statement on August 2002. Thanks for being there for us.

Delete entry # 44
30May 08, 2004 - 11:39 AM
Chris Brusca from United States
cbrusca@speed2u.net - Visit my homepage

Dear Emile,

Very impressive artwork!! I did not know that you were such an accomplished artist. Emile, were you doing artwork back in the days when you were my high school principal at Orleans, France American High School?

It was really great seeing you again in San Antonio after all of these years. To think that Nan and I lived in North Dallas for 13 years (1989-2002), and visited San Antonio quite often. We had absolutely no idea that you had been living there since 1991!!

Take care and keep in touch!
Your friends,
Chris & Nan Brusca

Delete entry # 43
31March 31, 2004 - 04:50 AM
Marion Abramov from United Kingdom
@ - Visit my homepage

hi im a frind of Nichole's here in London & we are in French looking at ur art work! its truly beautiful... i'll look after nichole for you!

Delete entry # 42
32February 24, 2004 - 03:18 PM
Paul de la Pena-Franceschi from United States
paul_franceschi@yahoo.com - Visit my homepage

Beautiful work Emile. Ciao.

Delete entry # 41
33February 21, 2004 - 03:24 PM
Joseph & Claire Nagy from United States
josephnagy@aol.com - Visit my homepage

We enjoyed looking at all the renditions of your talent. We especially enjoyed your interpretation of Eleanore's mother in her wedding dress.

To appreciate all the dimensions of abstract art requires study and reflection. We will spend some time looking through the collection from time to time so that we understand more of what is expressed in all your works.

Delete entry # 40
34January 18, 2004 - 09:54 PM
Ann Sprouse from United States
asprouse@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage

Uncle Emile,
I hate that its taken me so long to see this! Your art is unbelievable!! But that's no surprise! Hope one day we'll get to see some in person! Thank you for sharing it!
Annemarie, Doug and girls

Delete entry # 39
35January 14, 2004 - 08:25 PM
Michael from United States
michael@giofoto.com - Visit my homepage

Moltie Bella!

Delete entry # 38
36January 03, 2004 - 10:02 PM
Larry Domingue from Japan
OkiOjichan@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage


The years have flown by...much too quickly! What wonderful memories I have of AFCENT..and your beautiful family and life there 30+ years ago!
I was recently fortunate to re-connect with David via the internet and was delighted to get an update on all your lives and successes. Your website and gallery is awesome! I wish you continued success and happiness there in San Antonio. Please give Eleanor my best wishes.

Delete entry # 37
37November 10, 2003 - 11:35 AM
nichole mika from United Kingdom
nicholemika@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage

hello nonno emilo i love ur art work and i will never forget that sunflower my favorite i hope to c ore new wonderful paintngd lots of love from ur grandaugter nichole

Delete entry # 36
38September 09, 2003 - 09:42 PM
April Escobedo from United States
Archangel23_77@yahoo.com - Visit my homepage

Hi Emilio Sorry this has taken me so long to look at. Im one of the instructional aides that you met at our meeting a couple weeks back. I like your work. You use different techniques and to me that requires lots of skill. I try to express myself through art but it never comes out like it appears in my head. One question, there a painting that is the back of a person holding a baby. Is it the father or the mother holding the baby??? Thats my favorite. I suppose cause I just had my little Lily and its a beautiful painting. God bless you and yours.

Delete entry # 35
39August 14, 2003 - 08:48 PM
john castillo 75=76 from United States
yupper64@satx.rr.com - Visit my homepage

hey mr. mika just found your website.


Delete entry # 33
40July 20, 2003 - 10:06 PM
Sonia Marie Garcia from United States
soniamom@sbcglobal.net - Visit my homepage

Vivid & Brilliant


Delete entry # 32
41May 27, 2003 - 07:49 PM
Carla Sylvester from United States
jimandcarla@satx.rr.com - Visit my homepage

Mr Mika! I was so thrilled a few months ago to see the article in the San Antonio Express-News about your home decor -- can't believe you landed right here in S.A. I was even more excited to find your work on the Hodjas alumni site! I was a student at IHS 1974-76 and was classmates with Eric. Thank you for sharing another side of yourself with us!

Delete entry # 31
42May 08, 2003 - 10:52 PM
Victor Moran from United States
mrvictorvic.wmconnect.com - Visit my homepage

Brother, the ART is not the only inspiration that one may glean from your website. Art transcends the many bounds that prevent a truth from being communicated. Be it visual haiku or an epic poem, there is an outpouring of one's nature and character interwoven in every article. Your art, (collectively), illuminates your character Emile. Thank you for having the courage to display so much.

Delete entry # 30
43April 26, 2003 - 03:04 AM
Laurie Farebrother-Bogert from United States
lbogert@infostations.com - Visit my homepage

Hey there Mr. Mika! Where in the world are you now?!Ha! I went to Incirlik CDI HS from 1976 to 1978. You might also remember my brothers Steve & Gary who also were there? I now reside in Folsom, Ca ( near Sacramento) and have gone to the last 2 reunions Incirlik had here stateside. It is your turn to show up! Ha1

Delete entry # 29
44February 14, 2003 - 02:04 PM
Mary Ann DeAtley Jewett from United States
rbjmadj@aol.com - Visit my homepage

Greetings, Emile. Such a pleasure to browse all of your paintings. I feel especially honored to have seen several of the real thing. Keep on creating!

Delete entry # 28
45February 08, 2003 - 02:20 PM
Mike Rodighiero from United States
mrodighiero@msn.com - Visit my homepage

Mr. Mika

What a wonderful display of Art. Glad to see your work and I wont be smoking around any of your work.

Hava great day,

Delete entry # 27
46February 02, 2003 - 10:34 PM
Denise Hastings from United States
dehast@bellsouth.net - Visit my homepage

Your art is absolutely beautiful.. several literally brought a "gasp" to my lips..

It's funny what students never know about their principals. Your talent is truly amazing. Thank you for sharing it with us.

(Incirlik 73-75)

Delete entry # 26
47January 30, 2003 - 02:43 PM
Florida Sanderson from United States
Jrnsfjip@cs.com - Visit my homepage

Mr. Mika,

What beautiful work of art! :) It is from a soul with a passion for love, life, and serenity of the mind and heart. Thank you for sharing your gift.

Florida (Former Hodja student)

Delete entry # 25
48January 28, 2003 - 06:48 AM
Cary and Peggy Buchanan from United States
hodjaalumni@ao.l.com - Visit my homepage

We had no idea you are such an accomplished artist. Your work is exquisite. I'm sure that your work will have a wonderful, lasting impact just as you did to so many lives during your tenure at Incirlik.

Delete entry # 24
49January 16, 2003 - 08:33 PM
Melanie R. Mika Mason from United States
bogeylab24@yahoo.com - Visit my homepage

Greetings Uncle Emile from Potomac, Maryland. Finally had a chance to check out your exquisite works of art after receiving your beautiful Christmas Card! You are very talented. Seeing such wonderful Mika creativity also makes me think of Grandpop - such talents in ones hands! Our blessings for a happy, healthy and creatively productive new year to you and Aunt Eleanore.
With love,
Melanie and Scott Mason and family

Delete entry # 23
50December 27, 2002 - 07:50 AM
Susan Jones from United States
sujonesx@aol.com - Visit my homepage

Mr. Mika! I never knew! Your work is beautiful! Congratulations on your success. I wish you many more years of success and happiness.


Delete entry # 22
51October 18, 2002 - 12:54 PM
MariaAnna and Henricum from United States
HenryAHud@aol.com - Visit my homepage

A walk to be remembered. Our love and appreciation for allowing us to walk through a garden of paradise. Each and every canvas is a extraordinary bloom. May you continueto enlighten those who step into your garden. We are constant visitors. Thank you for the walk.

Delete entry # 21
52October 15, 2002 - 11:11 PM
ALEX JASSO from United States
PETEY0922@YAHOO.COM - Visit my homepage


Delete entry # 20
53September 15, 2002 - 10:52 AM
Jock from United States
jock_b@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage


Sitting in the kitchen of the San Diego Mika clan and clicked on your link and out of this misty Sunday morning your paintings came one by one - amazing work and an super website!

Warm regards,


Delete entry # 19
54September 03, 2002 - 07:54 AM
marco a. from Italy
avomarco@supereva.it - Visit my homepage

bravissimo !!! sono veramente splendidi !! sono veramente contento di esser riuscito ad entrare nel tuo website. ne è valsa veramente la visita. ancora tanti complimenti, sò per mia esperienza con la fotografia come sia meraviglioso poter esprimere le proprie emozioni, o il modo di vedere il mondo attraverso le immagini filtrate dalla propria sensibilità. tu hai una bella dose di sensibilità. sono contento per te !!! ciao . marco a.

Delete entry # 18
55August 31, 2002 - 11:49 AM
Julian Tristan from United States
jtontheriver@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage


Love the work and site, it's beautiful. Your friend and family
. Love, Julain

Delete entry # 17
56August 28, 2002 - 09:12 PM
Marge Beitzel from United States
gbeitzel@satx.rr.com - Visit my homepage

Emile: Thank you for guiding me to your artistic website! I am only able to view 3 of your paintings. The one that appealed to me the most was the tulip painting. I love the colors you chose and the free style you used to paint the flowers. Thanks so much for letting me view your paintings. Marge B

Delete entry # 16
57August 22, 2002 - 01:16 PM
mehmet vehbi aldikacti from United States
mehmetvehbi@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage


Delete entry # 15
58August 21, 2002 - 10:11 PM
Jimmy from United States
ejmforu@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage

I'm very impressed to say the least. Keep up the good work....you have a wonderful talent.

Delete entry # 14
59August 20, 2002 - 06:30 PM
steven campos from United States
scampos45@yahoo.com - Visit my homepage

i really like your work, i had no idea that you painted. next time you come into the store, i have a favor of you.

Delete entry # 13
60August 20, 2002 - 03:03 PM
helen valadez from United States
traceyvaladez@usaa.com - Visit my homepage

we love the three kings. that is what
a king should look like. perfect.

Delete entry # 12
61August 20, 2002 - 02:11 PM
Tracey Valadez from United States
traceyvaladez@usaa.com - Visit my homepage

These are beautiful works of art. Keep up the great work.

Delete entry # 11
62August 19, 2002 - 08:07 AM
Victor Moran from United States
pictor73@hotmail.com - Visit my homepage

I have heard it said that people walk alone through life, and they also die alone. Your work contradicts such statements because it harken upon the notion of a great unity; the material world bound by the intangible qualities of love, hope, and soul.

Delete entry # 10
63August 18, 2002 - 05:35 PM
Eric Mika from France
emika@buttoncommunications.com - Visit my homepage

The Art is Only Half as Great as the Artist and only a fraction of the Man.

Delete entry # 9
64August 18, 2002 - 12:12 PM
Drew Weinstein from United States
drew117@aol.com - Visit my homepage

Like the website

Delete entry # 8
65August 18, 2002 - 12:41 AM
Eula Walton from United States
WORKINCENTIVE@AOL.COM - Visit my homepage

Thanks for letting me be a part of your

Delete entry # 7
66August 16, 2002 - 05:15 PM
MariaAnna & Henricum Hudak from United States
HenryAHud@AOL.com - Visit my homepage

What an experience!!! You have the unique ability to allow the artistic viewer to become engrossed in THE CANVAS. Every work of art invokes a story. Our sincerest thanks and appreciation for sharing your creativity beyonds words. Love and God bless. MariaAnna and Henricum

Delete entry # 6
67August 16, 2002 - 02:22 PM
Daniel from Slovakia
danco@pobox.sk - Visit my homepage

They are great pictures,it is very nice an gentle work.With love Daniel ml.

Delete entry # 5
68August 15, 2002 - 11:53 PM
Tavia from United States
tavia@satx.rr.com - Visit my homepage

Great- Thanks for giving me a tour!! U make me proud! Love you!!

Delete entry # 4
69August 15, 2002 - 11:25 PM
Bob Mika from United States
robert.mika@lvvwd.com - Visit my homepage

love the art. its nice to know there is so much talent in the family. means there is still hope for the rest of us.

i'll be looking forward to additions to the collection.

Delete entry # 3
70August 13, 2002 - 11:51 PM
graziani-mazza from United States
grazmaz@mother.com - Visit my homepage

wonderful website, auguri, buona fortuna
dan, robin, danet, siena

Delete entry # 2
71August 04, 2002 - 11:21 PM
Laurie from United States
Laurie@mikaarts.com - Visit my homepage

What wonderful paintings...and a terrific website too. Your work is an inspiration...I will look forward to checking back and seeing new additions to your Gallery. Wishing you the best...With love, bunny

Delete entry # 1